Sunday, November 28, 2004

Blog blog blog I go!

What to write, what to write, what to write!

I think that I should start my entry this time with the sad news that my beloved Sony CD Walkman finally kicked the bucket after 4yrs of dutiful service. It managed to provide me with countless hours of musical enjoyment that I loved every day when I was out and about. This Discman accompanied me on trips to Ottawa, New York City (on more than one occasion), Toronto and also those routine trips to work. Let's all remember my Discman as it should be remembered .. a giver of music and I took everything it gave me.

Farewell thee Sony Discman!

What will replace the Discman now? I think I'll go to Best Buy today and go cash in that $200.00 gift card my dad gave me last Christmas and buy a MP3 player (w/FM tuner) and get with the "digital world" of 2004!

Anything else?

Oh yes . I should note that I was at work today .. again .. and what a wild night it was. I had stumbled into the store earlier on in the afternoon to see if anyone needed liquid refreshment but the store was way too jam packed. I had never seen teh store like that and the parking lot as well. It was a pretty nice afternoon so I guess people had the urge to shop that day. But you know, it was nice to see the store thriving this afternoon while it died down some when I started later on that afternoon/evening but when we had our waves of people come .. it was crazy! ( we had moments when it was laxed but when we had to work .. WE WORKED!)

So other than that, nothing too cooky or zany to report at all at the moment (other than the fact that I just got home from going out after work). At the moment however, I'm a little damp after I got rained on pretty well. You see, I can only push the ol' wheelchair along so fast (as fast as I can .. whatever that is described as!) but I can't avoid getting wet.

Sometimes I wished I had "Matrix powers" and be able to dodge the raindrops .. yeah! .. that'd be cool! :)

Till next entry .. take care!


Blogger Canadian Chick said...

I pop by here every now and again and I have to say that I am enjoying the view from here. It is raining pretty hard here, today, there seem to be lakes on the streets and the parking lot. Oh well, just another place for ducks to gather and swim!

My condolences for your diskman. I have also laid mine to rest last month. I was disappointed but I considered the fact that my buddy sold it to me for only 20 bucks because he didn't want to bring it with him on the plane up north. I got a new one now that has an anti-skip system. I seem to be pleased with anything that drowns out the sounds of my classmates' mindless chatter before classes.

I hope you come to Ottawa again.
I hope I don't miss the beer festival again.

8:37 AM  
Blogger Spatchula said...

Well thanks for enjoying the view from "up there"! All I ask is that you pack a parachute because I am not too sure what the fall from up there is or would be like. I should note too that I am not responsible for what may or may not happen all the way "up there"!

Thank you for your condolences about my Discman. I enjoyed it so very much and I am sure too that the SONY family is happy that it was useful and is now in a better place.

What kind of Discman did you get? I so love that anti skip feature! You have no idea how many times that came in handy through the years and airplane trips!

And wasn't the Ottawa are supposed to get socked with snow when that storm tore through earlieron in the week? I wouldhave sworn on the Weathernetwork that it said that the Ottawa area was supposed to get lots of snow? Well, you doddged the bullet that's for sure! (and I'll take rain any day!)

And I will be in Ottawa for Christmas this year .. that's when I head back next! :)

Talk with you on MSN!

2:40 AM  

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