Top 10 Of 2004
I won't be near my computer for the next few days as I am getting ready to leave for Ottawa for the Christmas and New Years holidays. So why not assemble my "Top 10 Of 2004"? So here it is! Discuss it amongst yourselves and if you like, submit your own Top 10 below! So here we go!
10. "Somewhere Only We Know" - Keane
9. "Float On" - Modest Mouse
8. "Idiot walk" - The Hives
7. "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" - Green Day
6. "Mr Brightside" - The Killers
5. "Have Mercy" - Loretta Lynn (feat. Jack White)
4. "Take Your Momma Out" - Scissors Sisters
3. "Tell All Your Friends" - Projet Orange
2. "Vertigo" - U2
1. "Flawless (Move To The City)" - George Micheal
As you can see, there is no Velvet Revolver in my top 10 and there's a reason. The reason is this, boy am I sick of Velvet Revolver.
You would almost swear that on FM 9SUX that they are the next greatest rock band who will reshape rock and roll as we know it. I am so sick and tired of hearing the same bloody songs and their offshoots (G N'R and Stone Temple Pilots) ad nauseum. In my mind, both 1989 to 1995 and 1991 to about 2000 were fine .. leave the bands be. Don't suddenly start to play their whole freaking back catalogue (I exaggerate .. it's the SAME bloody hit songs) because they assembled a band that plays songs that sound like either G N' R or Stone Temple Pilots rejects. Do us all a bloody favour and stop .. please. And don't get me going about Rage Against The Soundgarden .. I mean, Audioslave either!
And still on a rant about my rock station. Can you PLEASE stop playing Nirvana! 1991 was fine and so was 1994. In my mind, Nirvana puts out two albums and a live album before Kurt kills himself and they get so much play it's unreal (not to mention they play the same freaking songs over and over .. just like G N' R and STP above). If you ask me anyways Nirvana is over rated anyways. Yes, I do own "Nevermind", but I got a promo copy at College and didn't buy it. The fall out from Nirvana has been brutal! Now we have pop punk bands (or EMO) who sing songs about loss and how bad they have it and how lousy their childhood was. Oh great, look what you did Kurt! Good on you.
Despite the drek you hear on the radio (pop punk and EMO bands aside) there actually has been some pretty good bands that have managed to save the day. It's good to see some new bands that are trying to forge their own sound and carry the torch and evolve music.
The two bands that come to mind are The Killers and Franz Ferdinan. Even though a Franz song didn't make my list, they are still a band that I like and band as well like The Killers maintain that 80's retro sound but keep it fresh in the rock/pop idiom. I am curious to see where both Franz and The Killers go from here. I hope that they evolve their sounds and make it their own and not fall victim to the "one album wonders" that so many have seemed to have done in the years gone by.
I will say too that it's nice to see bands like U2 and Green Day continue on. To me it shows that all becaue you're getting older doesn't mean that you can't rock out still in your latter years. Both bands issued real solid releases this year and I was pleasantly surprised when I heard them for the first time. I will say too that it's nice to hear U2 go back in time and go old school in some respects. Both bands should be happy with what they put out and I hope that people can take some of what these two bands did this year and apply it to their own work instead of just being "there".
Also the new Loretta Lynn album is DYNAMITE. It's nice to hear a lady who is 70 and can still belt out the songs. It was also produced by White Stripes front man Jack White who kept the sound new and at the same time in it's most pure style (a fine example is a revved up and bluesy track called "Have Mercy"). I am not one for country music but this album blew me away. DO check out the album .. you won't be disappointed.
Finally, my number one for 2004 wasn't rock in nature but more like pop/rock dance. I am sure that it threw you all for a curve. I'm not really a fan of pop dance music but this song just has a catchy beat and some interesting lyrics. By using the backing song "Flawless" by New York City dance group The Ones, George managed to craft his lyrics with the music (a song about 5yrs old and was a mainstay in the club scene) and managed to tell a story about being involved in the fashion industry and it's downfalls and how you have to do what's right for you. The lyrics are somewhat depressing but they suit the music just fine.
Anyways, that's this installment and my thoughts on the year in music and what it was alongside my picks. Like I said at the beginning, I look forward to hearing your own opinions and your own Top 10 lists!
I hope everyone has a AWESOME Holiday season and that everyone will be happy and healthy in 2005.
Take care! :)
10. "Somewhere Only We Know" - Keane
9. "Float On" - Modest Mouse
8. "Idiot walk" - The Hives
7. "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" - Green Day
6. "Mr Brightside" - The Killers
5. "Have Mercy" - Loretta Lynn (feat. Jack White)
4. "Take Your Momma Out" - Scissors Sisters
3. "Tell All Your Friends" - Projet Orange
2. "Vertigo" - U2
1. "Flawless (Move To The City)" - George Micheal
As you can see, there is no Velvet Revolver in my top 10 and there's a reason. The reason is this, boy am I sick of Velvet Revolver.
You would almost swear that on FM 9SUX that they are the next greatest rock band who will reshape rock and roll as we know it. I am so sick and tired of hearing the same bloody songs and their offshoots (G N'R and Stone Temple Pilots) ad nauseum. In my mind, both 1989 to 1995 and 1991 to about 2000 were fine .. leave the bands be. Don't suddenly start to play their whole freaking back catalogue (I exaggerate .. it's the SAME bloody hit songs) because they assembled a band that plays songs that sound like either G N' R or Stone Temple Pilots rejects. Do us all a bloody favour and stop .. please. And don't get me going about Rage Against The Soundgarden .. I mean, Audioslave either!
And still on a rant about my rock station. Can you PLEASE stop playing Nirvana! 1991 was fine and so was 1994. In my mind, Nirvana puts out two albums and a live album before Kurt kills himself and they get so much play it's unreal (not to mention they play the same freaking songs over and over .. just like G N' R and STP above). If you ask me anyways Nirvana is over rated anyways. Yes, I do own "Nevermind", but I got a promo copy at College and didn't buy it. The fall out from Nirvana has been brutal! Now we have pop punk bands (or EMO) who sing songs about loss and how bad they have it and how lousy their childhood was. Oh great, look what you did Kurt! Good on you.
Despite the drek you hear on the radio (pop punk and EMO bands aside) there actually has been some pretty good bands that have managed to save the day. It's good to see some new bands that are trying to forge their own sound and carry the torch and evolve music.
The two bands that come to mind are The Killers and Franz Ferdinan. Even though a Franz song didn't make my list, they are still a band that I like and band as well like The Killers maintain that 80's retro sound but keep it fresh in the rock/pop idiom. I am curious to see where both Franz and The Killers go from here. I hope that they evolve their sounds and make it their own and not fall victim to the "one album wonders" that so many have seemed to have done in the years gone by.
I will say too that it's nice to see bands like U2 and Green Day continue on. To me it shows that all becaue you're getting older doesn't mean that you can't rock out still in your latter years. Both bands issued real solid releases this year and I was pleasantly surprised when I heard them for the first time. I will say too that it's nice to hear U2 go back in time and go old school in some respects. Both bands should be happy with what they put out and I hope that people can take some of what these two bands did this year and apply it to their own work instead of just being "there".
Also the new Loretta Lynn album is DYNAMITE. It's nice to hear a lady who is 70 and can still belt out the songs. It was also produced by White Stripes front man Jack White who kept the sound new and at the same time in it's most pure style (a fine example is a revved up and bluesy track called "Have Mercy"). I am not one for country music but this album blew me away. DO check out the album .. you won't be disappointed.
Finally, my number one for 2004 wasn't rock in nature but more like pop/rock dance. I am sure that it threw you all for a curve. I'm not really a fan of pop dance music but this song just has a catchy beat and some interesting lyrics. By using the backing song "Flawless" by New York City dance group The Ones, George managed to craft his lyrics with the music (a song about 5yrs old and was a mainstay in the club scene) and managed to tell a story about being involved in the fashion industry and it's downfalls and how you have to do what's right for you. The lyrics are somewhat depressing but they suit the music just fine.
Anyways, that's this installment and my thoughts on the year in music and what it was alongside my picks. Like I said at the beginning, I look forward to hearing your own opinions and your own Top 10 lists!
I hope everyone has a AWESOME Holiday season and that everyone will be happy and healthy in 2005.
Take care! :)
I've never heard of any of those bands.
You so know those songs B! trust me, if you heard them you'd know it!
When are you going to be in Ottawa? I'd give you a call and see you ;)
The Amazing Spatchula is in Ottawa (or the area) as we speak... I'd give you the phone number of the place where he's staying, but, unfortunately, I do not know it; however, you may be able to consult a certain person in Arizona... that person seems to be able to nail the phone numbers of just about everyone in the world. Including mine, much to my dismay.
Ah yes, the great fiaso of Arkansas. I remember that well too B. I remember the countless voicemail left and everything else that was associated with it. It was a weird period of time that's for absolute sure. Thankfully I didn't have that to come home to this time around ... *phew*
Granny's was fun .. I think I gained about 5 pounds from all the food she fed me ... I so miss her cooking! :D
I was also expecting some bickering about my top 10 choices and my lack of like for Velvet Revolver! Wasn't meant to be I guess ... *sob*
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