Friday, May 26, 2006

Gotta love it!

As many times as I see this the facial reaction at the start of this interview it will never get old.

You have to love mistaken identity!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

My God ...

I have seen this video before on a few occasions and I just had to post it. This is a fantastic take on the theme and the fella who performed it, Ben Litchman played it on the show just this past Tuesday. It was unreal.


All smooth , all the time ... Smooth FM!"

Just the other day my pal Jay and I thought of the perfect prank to pull on local radio for "April Fools Day" (a little late I know).

You see, both Jay and I have been recently listening to a "smooth jazz" guitarist by the name of Jeff Golub and we both became fans of his music (sure we both like metal, 80's New Wave and a wide assortment of other styles but it never hurts to branch out) and I jokingly said in a slow and smooth voice "that's Jeff Golub with "Drop Top" on Smooth 96". What makes the station ID funny is that it's the spot where the local rock radio station, FM 96 sits on the FM dial .

I guess half the joke too is that FM 96 is a bad rock radio station (according to Jay and I anyways) that just stays with the same rotation of songs (aka: crap and most noteably the popular stuff of whatver band is hip du jour ) every day and doesn't really go too far out of it's way or do too much to break new musical ground. Sure there are some people who call in every day during the lunch hour show to request stuff that I haven't heard in a long while .. like .. 2 hrs? But to the credit of SOME listeners they request 90's songs that I haven't heard in a long, long and I mean LONG while.

But I digress since this isn't what the original angle of this entry is about.

The joke in theory is to convert "Londons' Supposed Best Rock" FM 96 from 5:30am to 12pm into "Smooth 96", a "smooth jazz" station.

So what do you do? Here's what you do:

You do is hype up the "format change" weeks in advance getting the word out through print and your own station that you're changing formats all together and the new station ID's in between songs to herrald the "new sound" of 96. Get the DJ's in on the selling of the switch by saying that it was purely a business decision by Corus and that this is their last week on the air or what have you (and I am sure the frantic calls to the station would be PRICELESS!) . Of course on that last day you have all the staff making their tearful farewells and how they enjoyed being in London and that London is a great radio city and well respected across Canada etc etc and etc.

Finally the big day comes and "Smooth 96" hits the air for it's first (and last) broadcast day after a really epic rock song ("Stairway To Heaven" anyone?) followed by one of those station ID's I spoke about earlier and the new sound hits the airwaves! Of course for staff you will need a whole new morning show host, a 10-2 person and a drive home person (assuming you want to really go that long till 5pm if you want to drag the agony out) to round it out and make it legit (I can already imagine how potentially expensive this prank could be in media coverage and in man/woman hours).

Finally at some point you let the public off the hook. You let them know this was all a prank during a newsbroadcast of some variety and bring in who was supposed to be in at that time slot.

Would the public fall for it? Maybe. Would you have upset your new listeners who thought this was a legitamate format? most definately! I can however imagine most of all the backlash against the station and how angry some of those nubile pre teens and 25+ folks would be. But if you ask me, I think it'd be pretty freakin' funny.

Cruel I know but as April Wine once sang:

"Isn't it a pity, Isn't it a shame?
No one ever warned the boy
Rock and Roll is a vicious game"

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

We are the champions

What can I say? My first sledge hockey season ended on a note that not even I could have imagined. You see, over the weekend myself and the rest of my beloved sledge hockey team, the London Blizzard were in Ottawa playing in the 2006 Ottawa Carelton Sledge Hockey Challenge Cup. And as you can tell by the heading of this blog entry we won our pool that we were entered into and that was Group "B".

In our group there were so many amazing teams that have so many great players and to have beaten two of the best that were entered in our pool was an amazing achievement unto itself. I shouldn't say that we're a bad team because we simply weren't! As a matter of fact, I think I have a pretty amazing team too. But in the end we just proved to be the cream of the crop. Any of the final three games that we played (including the championship)were just ... wow! Heck, I will even go on record as to say that those last three were barnone the best three games I have been involved in this year.

Now having said that, going into this tournament I had no idea what to expect or how we were going to play. But by the end of the weekend I had the chance to be on a team who gave their absolute all and were justly rewarded for their efforts. To sit on the ice with my team mates and have that trophy in front of us was an amazing feeling and one I am still feeling 4 days later. It was indeed a total team effort with everyone doing what needed to be done to get the job done and the character of the Blizzard was shown when we had to clamp down defensively or get those crucial goals that we needed to stay in gold medal contention.

But in the end the Blizzard prevailed and it was without a doubt the best way to end the 2005-2006 season on! My thanks goes to my wonderful team mates for being such great new friends to me and for also making my first season one to remember. I'm looking forward to next year already!

Oh, just one more thing before I go. I would like to just thank my family for coming out to my games this weekend. You have no idea how much your being there and your support meant to me. To have been able to play in front of you is something that most athletes dream of and I got to realize that dream. So again, thank you for being there and for enduring those cold arenas. Hey, at least for the gold medal game they finally had the heaters on the bleachers going right? So it wasn't all that bad! ;) But thank you again.

Here we are ... your 2006 Ottawa Carleton Sledge Hockey Challenge Champions ... THE LONDON BLIZZARD