It's the .. EYE OF THE TIGER!
I just downloaded some tracks from the 1982 rock (in my opinion anyways) classic album "Eye Of The Tiger" by the band Survivor. It's amazing to me how these songs sound after all of some odd 20 years of not having heard them. The last I did hear that album was around 1984 so it's been awhile since it's graced my record player. But after dowloading a few tracks something occured to me .. it's amazing now to hear them in digital format instead of the crackling and scratched vinyl format that I own it on and to listen to them in their full stereo beauty. Some songs have never sounded so good or better!
The only sad part is that I don't have the tracks that I love most from that album and they are: "Feels Like Love" and "Hesitation Dance". I tried Limewire again to see if anything would show up but to no avail and where I got the tracks to begin with, on WinMx after several attempts again to get them again have proved to be useless. I suppose that I'll have to check my TRACK system at work and order the album through work (assuming the CD is still available). The tracks that I DID get are:
"Eye Of The Tiger"
"The One That Really Matters"
"I'm Not That Man Anymore"
"Children of The Night"
"Silver Girl"
Not bad! Just not the tracks I wanted but it's a start anyways. I should note that I'm not complaining that I can't get the tracks that I want online and that I'm going to most likely have to order the CD. It's just the fact that I have had these two songs running through my mind for the past few years is kind of annoying me and for nostalgia's sake I would so love to crank them up and revisit that part of my youth all over again.
I need to say too that on the back of the album there was a picture of guitarist Frankie Sullivan wearing a leather jacket. From my earliest recolections I can say that was the picture that inspired me to want to have a leather jacket (with the exception of the guys in Motley Crue or any other hair metal band of the day) just because Frankie stood there smiling with his leather jacket and his black and white stripped t shirt. Don't ask me why but it just screamed "bad ass" and oddly enough I did get my first leather jacket .. well kind of .. a vinyl jacket from my then babysitter who was a motorcycle riding kind of guy (and was also one heck of a River Raid player for the ol' Atari 2600!)
(Frankie is to the left of vocalist Jim Jamison, the dude in the red coat)
It was nice to hear what I found anyways and go down memory road. It may sound hokey by today's standards that's for sure but it still sounds like music that I fell in love with back in 1982. It's amazing what the music of our youth will do and what memories will flood back with it.
And on a total side note, if ANYONE owns the CD and can hook me up with those tracks PLEASE get in touch with me!
The only sad part is that I don't have the tracks that I love most from that album and they are: "Feels Like Love" and "Hesitation Dance". I tried Limewire again to see if anything would show up but to no avail and where I got the tracks to begin with, on WinMx after several attempts again to get them again have proved to be useless. I suppose that I'll have to check my TRACK system at work and order the album through work (assuming the CD is still available). The tracks that I DID get are:
"Eye Of The Tiger"
"The One That Really Matters"
"I'm Not That Man Anymore"
"Children of The Night"
"Silver Girl"
Not bad! Just not the tracks I wanted but it's a start anyways. I should note that I'm not complaining that I can't get the tracks that I want online and that I'm going to most likely have to order the CD. It's just the fact that I have had these two songs running through my mind for the past few years is kind of annoying me and for nostalgia's sake I would so love to crank them up and revisit that part of my youth all over again.
I need to say too that on the back of the album there was a picture of guitarist Frankie Sullivan wearing a leather jacket. From my earliest recolections I can say that was the picture that inspired me to want to have a leather jacket (with the exception of the guys in Motley Crue or any other hair metal band of the day) just because Frankie stood there smiling with his leather jacket and his black and white stripped t shirt. Don't ask me why but it just screamed "bad ass" and oddly enough I did get my first leather jacket .. well kind of .. a vinyl jacket from my then babysitter who was a motorcycle riding kind of guy (and was also one heck of a River Raid player for the ol' Atari 2600!)

It was nice to hear what I found anyways and go down memory road. It may sound hokey by today's standards that's for sure but it still sounds like music that I fell in love with back in 1982. It's amazing what the music of our youth will do and what memories will flood back with it.
And on a total side note, if ANYONE owns the CD and can hook me up with those tracks PLEASE get in touch with me!
Eye of the Tiger was one of my brother's favourite songs while he was growing up. Personally, I like Rye or the Kaiser (by A. Yankovic), but then again, I'm always thinking about food.
Thinking about it, watching it, dreaming about it, BUT never planning to cook some of it for your loving girlfriend!
You know Ansj241, I actually owned that "Weird" Al Yankovic album. I always thought that "Nature Trail To Hell" and "I Lost On Jeopardy" were my two faves on that album. However though a "Rye Of The Kaisser" was always a very good song too.
Man, now I'm hungry again after all this food talk ..
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