Thursday, February 24, 2005

I wonder

Can someone explain to me please why some things always seem to taste better the next day?

I'm just wondering this right now because as I type up this entry I am sipping on a bottle of A&W Rootbeer that I bought last night. Yes I had a little as I was watching Conan O'Brien the other night and put the cap back on and now am finishing up the bottle. The taste is a little more crisp and maybe a little more "syrupy" than I remember it being the other night.

Of course this doesn't just include soft drinks but also food. Why is it that when you heat it (food) up the following night it has more flavour? Why is that? is it because it stews in it's own juices? What's the deal?! It's just something that I have always wondered about through the years. It's not like I am complaining, I like flavourful drinks and food but I just wonder why this happens.

If anyone knows ... get back to me!


Blogger AsnJ241 said...

I like eating things three weeks after the first attempt... that way, you get the lucious layer of mould on it too.

12:53 PM  
Blogger Artsy87 said...


2:18 PM  
Blogger Spatchula said...

Ah AnsJ241 that's your secret! That's how you maintain your manly,husky buff appearance.

Perhaps I too shall attempt the mould diet!

Thanks for the tip! ;)

9:58 PM  

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